Sunday 16 October 2016

Why Maintaining SEO Is Important!

Everyone knows by this point that SEO is important. Any business that depends on new lead generations will not get too far without having search engines bringing these leads to them. Clever people would already know to add all the meta tags possible, engage in social media, get many backlinks, etc. We all strive to get to the top page on Google, Yahoo, and all of the other search engines. Once we get there, we can just leave it right? wrong. SEO, just like anything in life, dies with time.
Graphic Design Vancouver

Once you finally get your website up and running on the web, all the fancy code and dynamic database that is built into your pages becomes pure static html. This way, search engine are able to send "spiders" to crawl your website's skeleton from top to bottom. By doing so, they collect the necessary data for the algorisms they have developed, from which they assign a rating to your website. Here is a list of some of the things they look for:

- Is your website's code written using the latest HTML5 language
- Does it follow the schema rules
- Is the code optimized
- Has anything changed in the past few days/months
- Is there any dead links
- Is there any authoritative link
- Are there dead pages that did not load
- How slow did the website load

This is just a brief summary of what search engines do, and if any of these is not done correctly, your competitors probably did their homework - putting themselves on top of you on the search rankings.

Now that you know the basics of maintenance for SEO, there are many other factors to watch out for. One of them is running out of SEO juice. What that means is, even if you have a professional website with the most extensive SEO done, if you redesign your website, change a domain, or edit certain parts, it can either improve or harm your performance on the search results.

For example, if your website, for the last 10 years, used to have a 'contact us' page like this:

But now, with the redesign website it becomes:

These two are completely different URL's although they link to the same page.

Although the first link gained a lot of recognition from search engines over the years, it does not automatically transfer to the new link you created simply because it is the same page inside. The search engines actually treat the new modified link as though it a complete new website address and you guessed it, it starts the SEO all over from scratch. Can this issue be fixed? Of course. Leave a comment below and subscribe to our news letter to find out how!

BragDeal Team
Vancouver Web Design Company

1 comment:

  1. You not only introduced your company well, as well as you described in detail why seo is important and what role it plays in a business world. Thanks for sharing.
